I intended to write a post this weekend, but I was too busy doing NOTHING! Well, it seemed like nothing compared to the normal weekend of the past three years. Drumroll please . . . . I have finally finished all of the work for both of my independent study classes (6 hours) AND have written and submitted my comprehensive exam questions. Of course, I do still have to deal with the oral defense of those comps, but there's no other written work that has to be done. For one independent study, I had to go through a human development textbook chapter by chapter and do some sort of project. I did a combination of powerpoints, blurb books, outlines, quizzes, etc. My professor seemed to like everything that I submitted. So far, I have only met with him the one time we orignally made course assignments in December. I don't even think I have to go and meet with him. He emailed that he's giving me an A! Yeah! For the other class, I created a binder of social studies lesson plans that fit the Parallel Curriculum Model (it's a GT thing); it ended up being almost as long as the whole curriculum unit I wrote last spring. I haven't taken it to my advisor yet, but I hope to run it up to her office this week. It's done and sitting in my van for when I get a chance to swing by campus.
What's next?? Well, I intend to do much of nothing for the rest of this school year other than Samuel's baseball practice, trying to actually exercise, not getting so far behind with stuff for my classroom, etc . I can't believe that the school year is fast approaching an end. Of course, the end of the semester brings GRADUATION. I'm actually going to walk, something I didn't do as an undergrad. It didn't really mean anything to me then . . . it does now. And, graduation is on my birthday! So, it'll be a big day at our house! (And yes, it's a big # birthday too!)