Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Girls Night Out

Another great break from routine came tonight with a special girls night out. I got together with three other women (my sister, another teacher at my school, and a gal from church). We are an interesting assortment - different ages, kids in different stages of life, one of us single, etc. and yet we have such a good time together. We were officially meeting to celebrate my sister's birthday (even though it was five weeks ago). We met at Olive Garden and spent a little more than two hours having a leisurely dinner. It is so nice to be a grown up and not have to be "the mom" for a couple of hours. It was even nicer when I got home and all three of my children had been snugly tucked into bed for the night. Kudos to John for that!


Susan Seaman said...

Feeling left out . . .

Reba said...

So jealous...

Glad you had fun!