Thursday, May 29, 2008


For the past several weeks, I've been having a toothache, especially when I ate or drank something cold. So, I went to the dentist on Tuesday afternoon and found out that I needed to have a root canal. After attempting to get in with an endodontist, I ended up having to schedule with my own dentist for the next morning! So, yesterday I had my first root canal. I went to school first to get things ready for the final exam I was giving, and my 7th graders gave me great pep talks (as well as horror stories) for going to the dentist. The whole process took a good two hours and has left me quite sore. I have to go back next week to get a crown.
Another ouch has come and gone. I have completed grading all 110 essay exams - - in 24 hours at that! I try to grade quickly so that it's over and done with, much like ripping off a band-aid. There's only four days left of school. There is so much to do to get my classroom ready and to finish up a project or two that needs completing before summer break.
Tomorrow is Hannah's last day at Montessori until August. She is excited to give her teachers a gift, but I know that she will miss her friends. The boys are jealous that she's done before them.

1 comment:

Susan Seaman said...

Was that 24 hours spent grading or a 24-hour turn around time?

Sorry about the root canal. I haven't had one of those yet, but I've had a few crowns and they were no fun. Much worse than I remember dental work as a kid!

I need to update my blog, but I am presently having trouble compressing photos. I don't know what the problem is since I'm doing it the way I've always done.